Mr. Aleksandar S. Jovanovic
Aleksandar (MSc. ME, PhD) has worked for industry, research, EU institutions and universities, in a number of different countries, such as Belgium and Italy (EU, university), Germany (industry, research, university), France (university), USA (industry, university, research), etc. Since 2001, he is the director of the Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Group in Stuttgart, Germany providing consultancy in the areas of risk assessment and risk management for industry and public sector. He is the CEO of the European Institute for Risk & Resilience Management (EU-VRi), bringing together about 50 industrial and research organizations active in the area of applied risk and resilience management, full professor at Steinbeis University Berlin (Technical Risks) and his other current and previous assignments include Italy (Politecnico di Milano), France (Ecole Polytechnique), Japan (University of Tokyo), USA (La Jolla), Serbia, Croatia and China.
Aleksandar’s main contributions to risk research and advancement of the respective state-of-the-art have been related to (a) industrial “risk projects”, (b) academic research in the area of risk (especially emerging risks and resilience) and (c) European and international risk standardization.
Aleksandar has a long-year professional experience as project manager of many large international industry “risk projects”, dealing with risk management, engineering risks, innovation risks, risk governance for new technologies, use of big data for risk analysis and related areas, etc. Main clients in these projects have been the EU, national governments (Norway, Belgium, Japan…), industry, utilities, insurances companies, R&D and academia. Main topics of the current projects deal with risk management in industry (e.g. for insurance, power, process) and include HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, Environment), RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance), RBI (Risk-Based Inspection. Examples of the industrial projects are, e.g., the assessing risk of 40,000 MWe installed electric power capacity for Eskom in South Africa (about $10 million) or assessing risks refineries in Gazprom. Sample EU projects managed by him include iNTeg-Risk (, 19.3 million €, 80+ partners), or SmartResilience (Resilience Indicators for critical infrastructures in Europe,
In the area of academic risk research Aleksandar has been pioneering the risk-oriented probabilistic structural mechanics in 1980’s (stochastic finite element method), introduced risk methods in the engineering analysis of remaining life in 1990’s, developed new methods for risk-based optimization of inspection and maintenance in the industrial plants (power and process primarily). He is a coauthor of the milestone study/book on Future Global Shocks of the OECD (2013), author of 7 books and over 170 publications (
As a “risk practitioner” in the area of international standardization, A. Jovanovic has contributed to the global risk community by a number of actions. He is the Convener and main author of:
(a) European standard CEN-CWA 15740:2008 (“Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance”),
(b) European standard EN16991:2018 (“European Risk-Based Inspection Framework”)
(c) CEN-CWA 16449:2013 (“Management on New Technologies-Related Risks” also appeared as DIN SPEC
(d) ISO standard ISO 31050 “Management of emerging risks for enhanced resilience” – has involved SRA into the process, as an Organization in Liaison to ISO.
He act as the Liaison Officer in the ISO 31000 (risk management) ISO Committee, as a member of the Committees TC292 (security) and ISO 31010 (risk assessment methods , and as convener for the new ISO 31050 standard (
In 2019, A. Jovanović was one of the main “Organizing Chair” of the SRA World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa (
Aleksandar speaks fluently French, Italian, English, German and Serbo-Croatian, reads and communicates in Spanish, Portuguese and Russian and has always used this to promote the risk-related issues in many countries.
Ms. Snežana Jovanovic
Deputy Director
Medical Doctor (1979), M. Sc. (1982), Specialist in Hygiene and Microbiology (1986), Ph. D. (1995). During the period 1980 – 1991 she worked at Institute for Health Protection of Serbia (Belgrade, Yugoslavia), Department of public health and Environmental Hygiene (U.S.S.L. 2, Cittiglio, Italy), Institute of Hygiene at the Medical School of the University of Milan (Italy), Institute of Hygiene, Univ. of Tübingen (Germany).
Since 1992 she is employed at the State Health Agency Stuttgart, Germany. The main topics of her work are:
- Risk assessment and monitoring of health effects associated with chemical and biological environmental and occupational pollution.
- Participation in Environmental Health Surveillance System in Baden-Württemberg, Germany (continuous survey since 1992).
- Planning and performing of projects related to heavy metals, THM´s in swimming pools, tar based parquet adhesive, biological agents (moulds, mites), and noise. Leader and manager of information activities and projects "Indoor Leisure Noise" and “Mites, moulds and co”.
- Participation in the EU project NNGL (Night time Noise Guideline) co-ordinated by WHO.
- Participation in ECOHEIS project for the development of indicators to describe the environment status (noise) for the Budapest Conference of the European Health and Environment Ministries (2004).
- Participation in WHO project “Burden of disease from environmental noise”.
- Performing of “Hazardous materials register” and chemical data sheets for 10 laboratories in State Health Agency.
- Providing consultancy for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and public health departments in Baden-Württemberg as well as for other authorities, specialist and public in the matters of public health.
- Organization and leading of courses in the field of occupational and environmental medicine
November 2006 onwards, part time: Leading of EU-VRi Management Office. European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management EU-VRi Stuttgart is an EEIG = European Economic Interest Grouping (
April 2002 onwards, part time: Support in the leading of Steinbeis Transfer Centres Advanced Risk Technologies ( Consultancy in the areas of health risk assessment associated with chemical and biological environmental and occupational pollution. Health risk assessment of new technologies.
Mr. Somik Chakravarty
Project Manager
Dr. Parva Chhantyal
Project Manager
Dr. Parva Chhantyal graduated from The University of Manchester, England with a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering in 2013. She then moved to Hannover University, Germany to pursue her PhD degree in Nanotechnology. During her PhD, she also held Research Assistant position at Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Her work experience and PhD specialized in understanding the optical properties of Nano-materials. Since completing her PhD in November 2017, she is working at Steinbeis R-Tech and part-time at European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management for Industrial and European funded Projects as a Project Manager. She is in charge of the caLIBRAte, BIO4SELF and RessFAST projects. Her work responsibilities include, life-cycle assessment of the productions in co-operation with different industrial partners as well as the risk analysis of nanomaterials.
Her areas of interest are Chemical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Bio-materials, sustainability, life-cycle assessment and project management.
Mr. Admin EU-VRi
CIO & IT Specialist
Marjan Jelic is a software developer with more than 20 years’ experience in web, application and back-end development. Since September 2016, he works as a CIO & IT Specialist and Support in IT department of the Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies in Stuttgart Germany. His responsibilities are software solutions (tools) in SmartResilience, cALIBRAte, ENCIRCLE, PANBioRA and SILICOFCM projects. Before, he has been a member of team in ResiStand and RiskRadar China project. Marjan Jelic holds a Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc) in Computer Science from the University of Novi Sad (Faculty of Technical Science in Zrenjanin), Serbia.
Ms. Vanessa Pfau
Senior Project Manager
Vanessa Pfau is one of the Directors of Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Africa Pty Ltd. In addition, she is employed by the Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Group (EU-VRi and R-Tech) as a Senior Project Manager in the area of International Industrial Projects, European and National Research Projects and in the field of training and higher education. The activities of the Group involve projects and activities on industrial, national, EU, and international level, tackling, e.g. integrated management of risk related to new technologies, resilience and related standardization activities, and governance and regulatory aspects of risks. Since 2017 Ms. Pfau is part of the EU-VRi Executive Board.
Ms. Pfau is involved in the activities of the Steinbeis University Berlin, Transfer Institute Advanced Risk Technologies, which is offering Training and Certification in the area of Risk Engineering and Management. Ms. Pfau was responsible for implementing certification courses in European countries, as well as in South Africa and China, in cooperation with local Universities and Industry. More than 900 certificates of successful training have been provided to South African participants in the past years.
Previously she was engaged by the Department of Environmental Sociology and Technology Assessment of the University of Stuttgart and the National Aeronautics and Space Research Centre of Germany (Department of Systems Analysis and Technology Assessment). Ms. Pfau attained a Master’s Degree in „Empirical Political and Social Research and Analysis” with a focus on Sociology of Risks and Technology.
Mr. Tal Rosen
Project Manager
Tal Rosen has worked for many years as a process and quality manager for several successful industrial manufacturers and their supply chains; recently, he started focusing on risk management and standardization. In the past years, he has taken part in both research and technical efforts and is currently the main coordinator for the ResilienceTool and its various connected applications in projects.