Risk - we care!
March 11, 2020 Our project, BIO4SELF won the prestigious techtextil innovation award in the category sustainable solution in Frankfurt on May 14, 2019. more
March 9, 2020 At the end of the EU H2020 project caLIBRAte, the technical reviewer appointed by the EC gave a "Thumbs Up" to the the Nano-Risk Radar tool, a Horizon scanning tool developed by Steinbeis R-Tech for identifying, analyzing and monitoring emerging risks in the field of nanotechnology. more
November 7, 2019 On Wednesday, November 6, 2019, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies (R-Tech) had the pleasure of hosting a visiting delegation from Beijing, China, for a meeting in Stuttgart. more
October 16, 2019 Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Jovanović will be leading a MasterClass on RBI from October 22-23, 2019, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. more
January 28, 2019 SmartResilience is referenced in a recent update to an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) webpage highlighting the work being done for the new standard ISO 31050 - Guidance for managing emerging risks to enhance resilience. The standard and will provide the guidance needed to deal with the "new, previously unknown or not considered, 'emerging' risks [which] can pose the greatest challenges to resilience, safety and operational and business continuity" and draws upon the work of organizations and projects including SmartResilience. more
January 9, 2019 Within the framework of H2020 project PANBioRA, the consortium is developing new techniques and instruments for biomaterial risk assessment. In this regard, Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies (R-Tech) is carrying out a stakeholder survey for the development of risk assessment tools. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey.
We would very much appreciate your input and expertise! more
January 7, 2019
The SmartResilience project is highlighted in the recently released Safety Science journal article "Quantitative resilience assessment in emergency response reveals how organizations trade efficiency for redundancy." SmartResilience Project Coordinator Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Jovanović is one of the article's co-authors.
October 1, 2018 ERRA - The European Risk & Resilience Assessment and Rating Agency more
June 4, 2018 The EC announced the proposed budget of €100 billion and the name of the next EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme: Horizon Europe (2021-2027) more
http://etpis.eu-vri.eu/home.aspx#bl58 One way of capturing early warnings about an emerging risk is to analyze the information contained in the web. Such a tool, named RiskRadar developed by Steinbeis R-Tech has been applied to COVID-19 news. The COVID-19 related risk identified by the tool are aggregated, classified and visualized for the stakeholders by the tool.
Thus, the tool enables stakeholders to discuss early on, what the intended and unintended effects of the developments may be. The tool utilizes a purely content-based methodology to rank a set of publicly available documents (news articles, blog posts, abstracts from scientific journals etc.) according to their potential to generate risks/impact. The tool considers the textual data over a period of time for a given topic, uses this information to perform data analytics to rank the relevance or importance of the documents and related keywords based on document centrality. Centrality is a simple indicator for gauging the impact of the document that captures the frequency of the terms, but also how these terms are related to each other.
The tool yields the Radar and a Network map. The former includes a list of risks-related keywords on a radar-like widget, along with the list of sources used for extracting and ranking these keywords. The position of the keywords (shown in yellow dots) on the radar indicates its importance where the closer to the centre the term is, the more “relevant” a keyword is in documents related to the COVID-19 coronavirus analysis. The Network map includes a short description of the topic (shown in green circle) connected to the most common keywords (shown in blue circles) and the articles (in colors of red, orange and yellow). The color and size of the collected articles are designated based on their relevance; the larger circle has the highest applicability to the topic.
By looking at different sources (e.g. “science, “media” and/or “public”) the system identifies the topics of interests in the information parsed and assigns them the respective risk scores according to the criteria set (e.g. sentiment, credibility of source, context, etc.). The early warning is identified on the basis of the relation of the terms in search, not on simple “word bagging”. The tool allows user to drill-down to the initial source of information and obtain the background information (e.g. the full-text report).
Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Group (R-Tech)
is a cluster of business units belonging to and/or linked to Steinbeis (www.steinbeis.de). Over 1000 Steinbeis units are present in over 50 countries worldwide and they act today as a global player in the area of innovation management and technology transfer. The “Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies” group of units deals with various aspects of risks, risk engineering and risk management, in:
- petro-chemical and process plants
- power plants and energy supply
- material technologies, especially advanced material technologies
- new & alternative technologies (CO2, H2, nano, …)
- other areas
Main practical issues dealt with are:
- risks in/of innovation (e.g. risks of unexpected side-effects)
- risk of non-performance or performance below expectations (e.g. risks of system or component failures)
- risk of adverse/unexpected effects and impacts (e.g. on public health and/or environment)
- risks over the life-cycle of products and technologies (e.g. unexpected problems in decommissioning or recycling phase)
- risk-based inspection (RBI)
- reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
- project risks, especially in innovation, R&D and new technologies oriented projects.
Organizing European and national stakeholders, promoting and supporting technology transfer, introducing new approaches to the risks and their management, developing specific methods and tools are examples of these activities.
R-Tech is also one of the five founding members of European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management EU-VRi. The institute (www.eu-vri.eu) is an EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping). The group is capable to cover the above topics either on its own or in close co-operation with Steinbeis network, European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management (EU-VRi), Virtual Institute of Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials (KMM-VIN), European Technology Platform Industrial Safety (ETPIS) and other networks (all involving over 2,000 persons and over 500 companies).
The activities of the R-Tech group involve projects and activities on industrial, national, EU, and international level, tackling, e.g.:
- integrated management of risk related to new technologies (e.g the iNTeg-Risk project)
- smart resilience indicators for Smart Critical Infrastructures (SCIs) (SmartResilience Project)
- standardization it the area of emerging risks and resilience, e.g. the CWA 16694 (DIN SPEC 91299:2013-10)
In order to provide the optimal service and results, the R-Tech group has dedicated units for specific area of “advanced risk technologies” such as:
- technology transfer
- education
- R&D
- industrial services (“business-oriented”)
- EU-related issues
Large web-based system iRiS (Integrated Risk Management System) and its derivatives have been developed for the petroleum and power industries and have been applied worldwide. R-Tech supports ETPIS - European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety, coordinates activities in the area of emerging risk and has leaded the activity on standardizing the EU approach in the area of RBI (Risk Based Inspection), leading to the CEN Workshop Agreement document 15740: 2008/2011 and the subsequent EU-standard EN 16991:2016